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[WINNER] Christmast Event  



[WINNER] Christmast Event Empty31st December 2013, 2:11 am


Event Winners "Event Christmas - Get Free VIP 3 Month"

[WINNER] Christmast Event MAF4ql7

I had made ​​a previous event "Christmas Event" and now it's time to announce the winner of the event

The first winner is

The second winner is

And the final winner is

Details of gifts received

1st = VIP Member 3 Month or (300 EC those who had become VIP members)
2nd = VIP Member 2 Month or (200 EC those who had become VIP members)
3rd = VIP Member 1 Month or (100 EC those who had become VIP members)

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for following the events of our.

Those who are not lucky, you can try the next exciting event event.

Crew ErcHimA Guild


[WINNER] Christmast Event Empty31st December 2013, 2:45 am


Congratulations for the winner and those who are not lucky enough better luck the next time  :lol1:

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